The Challenges Of Muhammadiyah As A Religious Organization In Era 4.0

Muhammad Thariq Aziz, Romelah Romelah


This study discusses the challenges of Muhammadiyah as a religious organization in Era 4.0. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative approach with the type of literature study. Researchers try to explore information and knowledge from various existing literature and references. The result of the study is that Muhammadiyah has several challenges according to several figures, namely: 1. the era of fundamental social change, 2. a world without boundaries, 3. shifting values of life and formal morality, 4. deauthorization of religious figures and deauthorization of the methodology of religious studies, 5. the post-truth era, and 6. liberal, secular, pluralist ideas that are increasingly free.


Challenges of Muhammadiyah, Religious Organizations, Era 4.0

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