Religious Guidance Strategy In Developing Children's Mental-Spiritual In The Orphanage 'Aisyiyah Kasih Ibu Kota Bengkulu

Desi Firmasari, Romelah Romelah


This research aims to describe how the religious development strategy is carried out by the components involved in the mental spiritual development of children in the Aisyiyah Kasih Ibu orphanage in Bengkulu City. Muhammadiyah since its inception has been committed to three areas, among others, education, health and social as translated from surah Al-Ma'un in the Qur'an. Aisyiyah as a special autonomous organization struggles with the da'wah and business charities of Muhammadiyah so that whatever Aisyiyah does becomes in line with the struggle of Muhammadiyah including Aisyiyah in the Bengkulu Region. The Regional Leadership of Aisyiyah Bengkulu established the Kasih Ibu Orphanage in 1979 with the aim of fostering, protecting and empowering orphaned foster children in Bengkulu Province, among the forms of coaching activities are religious, mental spiritual, soft skills and hard skills. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, this research is analyzed descriptively with the research subjects of the coaches, administrators and caregivers of the Aisyiyah orphanage. The results of this study indicate that the mental spiritual development program carried out by the caregivers of the orphanage to foster children and parents or guardians has a positive impact and a change in attitude towards mental spirituality in foster children and parents or guardians.


Religious Development Strategy, Mental Spirituality, Orphanage

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