Asset Structure, Profit Growth, And Company Size On Capital Structurein Plantation Sector Companies Thatlisted On The Idx

Arief Hidayat, Edwin Sutio Wary


Capital structure is a balance or comparison between foreign capital and its own capital. Foreign capital in this case is both long-term and short-term debt. While the capital itself is divided into retained profits and the participation of company ownership. The optimal capital structure is a capital structure that optimizes the balance between risk and return so as to maximize the stock price. For this reason, in determining the capital structure of a company needs to consider various variables that affect it.

The approach used in this study is an associative approach. The data collection technique in this study is to use documentation methods, namely in the form of financial statements in the form of balance sheets and income statements on plantation sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression, classical assumption test t (partial), f (simultaneous) test and determination coefficient. Data processing in this study using the SPSS Software program (Statistic Package for the Social Sciens) 20.00 for Windows.


Asset Structure, Profit Growth, Company Size, Capital Structure

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