Learning Strategy Of Kemuhammadiyahan (Aik 3) Based On Humanities Literacy

Ima Faizah, Puspita Handayani, Anis Farihah


This study was to analyze the learning strategy of Kemuhammadiyahan based on Humanities Literacy which was carried out at the Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo. This study uses a quantitative qualitative mix method approach. The aim is to describe the learning process of Muhammadiyah based on humanities literacy which is carried out at the University of Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. It also analyzed quantitatively the student's response to learning and the response of the community, namely the leader of the organization or the head of the business charity where the student carried out the learning. The results of the study shows that learning based on humanities literacy is a learning that uses a contextual learning model. This learning strategy can increase students' understanding of the material for the Muhammadiyah movement and get a positive response from students and the community or learning partners.


Kemuhammadiyahan, humanities literacy, human literacy, contextual learning

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