Finalcial Ratios To The Share Price Of Agricultural Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange

Rahmat Azahar Siregar, Muhammad Heru Laksmana Hade, Chandra Batubara


The purpose of the study was to determine the partial effect of return on equity on stock prices, to determine the effect of the current ratio partially on the stock price,and to find out the effect of return on equity, debt to total asset ratio, current ratio and inventory turn over simultaneously against the share price on Agricultural Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period. The population in this study of Agricultural Sector Companies registered with the IDX as many as 18 companies and samples from research on Agricultural Sector companies as many as 10 companies with 6 years of observation. The data collection technique used in this study is documentation.The analytical techniques used in this study are descriptive statistics, Multiple Linear Regression analysis, Partial Test, Determinant Test. The results showed that Return On Equity had no influence on stock prices, Debt To Total Asset Ratio has a negative and significant influence on stock prices, Current Ratio has no effect on stock prices, Inventory Turn Over has a negative and significant influence on Stock Price and Return On Equity, Debt To Total Asset Ratio, Current Ratio and Inventory Turn Over simultaneously affect and significantly affect the Stock Price of Agricultural Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange


Return On Equity, Debt To Total Asset Ratio, Current Ratio Inventory Turn Over and share price


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