The Impact Of Using Technologi On Childrens Education In The New Normal Era
The purpose of writing this article is to find out the impact of using technology for children and the benefits of using technology in new normal situations. This research design uses a literature review. The steps in the literature review are (1) topic search; (2) determine the title; (3) conclusion. Writing analysis techniques in writing literature review are: (1) data collection; (2) data reduction; (3) drawing conclusions. At this writing, there are analysis results in the form of negative and positive impacts. The positive impact is that children can interact with friends wherever they are, children are increasingly updated in using technology and children's knowledge is increasingly widespread, while the negative impact is that children often play using technology rather than playing with friends in the surrounding environment so that they become individualistic children and if they do not get proper assistance. If it's good, it's hard for children to stop using technology, resulting in addiction and getting bad information
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