The Development Of Muhammadiyah Islamic Propagation Digitally After The Covid-19 Pandemic

Ina Zainah Nasution


The preaching of Islam is carried out over and over with the age. With the latest proliferation of information technology, with its social media, the dawa (Islamic propagation) has varying media alternatives. The diversity of media development began tobe applied by the dawa institutions so that the development of Islamic propagation can be easier and more widespread, reaching out to everyone and everywhere. During the pandemic, various agencies from dawa try to reinforce the dawa activities can continue under the pandemic situation. Seminars, discussions, training, regular presentations, and even organization meetings are held in the virtual world. Correspondence and invitations until counseling and fatwa even infaq (alms) or donations are informed and implemented through the cyber world. Muhammadiyah as a thriving organization of islamic propagation, welcomed the challenge in this digital age elegantly. The dawa and organizational agendas continue during the time of the pandemic. This pusat level of presentation would also accessibility of wilayah, daerah, cabang and even ranting by accessing tele-conference video links or youtube canal. In 2021, Muhammadiyah founded the Muhammadiyah Digital Dawa Center (PSDM) as the organization's data, information, issues, opinions and views for the sake of the Muhammadiyah prejudices and movement.


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