Utilization Of Social Media As A Media Of Dakwah To Increase Awareness Of Workship

Abdul Kholid Achmad


Workship is a command of Allah SWT to humans and prayer is part of the commandment of worship that is obligatory for every Muslim. It is an obligation for da'i (individuals or groups) to preach in order to invite and call on humans to carry out it. Muhammadiyah Higher Education as part of one of the media for da'wah through education has a characteristic with catur dharma which concentrates on the practice of mahdhoh and ghoiru mahdoh worship. The social media reminder program By WhatsApp, is one of the da'wah efforts to create an increase in religious attitudes. This study aims to analyze and determine the role and implications of social media (WhatsApp) to increase awareness of worship for the academic community at the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik. The urgency of this research is to determine the effectiveness of social media da'wah by the reminder program By WhatsApp as a material for evaluating sustainability and da'wah innovation in the internal environment of Muhammadiyah Universities in general, especially at the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with the steps of distributing questionnaires, interviews and document studies as well as data analysis and followed by drawing conclusions. The research finding is that social media is very effective as a medium of da'wah and needs to be continued. However, the implementation of da'wah through social media needs to be done periodically so that it is not boring and can be read by mad'u (objects of da'wah), given that the information that comes in through social media is very diverse with fast intensity.


Utilization; Social Media; Awareness Of Worship; On Line

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