Impact Of Smartphone Addictive On Children During A Pandemic

Mawaddah Nasution


The pandemic period which lasted for more than two years made the learning process carried out boldly at home. Many things happen during the learning process that are done boldly, one of which requires children to use smartphones. With a child's smartphone to carry out the learning process every day, even the duration is also fairly long. The use of smartphones with a long enough duration has an unfavorable impact on children's health. In addition to using smartphones for learning, children also often use smartphones to access several features in it, including games, YouTube, and others. The reason for being tired of studying during the pandemic makes children play smartphones, and without realizing this makes children addicted. The purpose of this study was to see what effects were obtained from smartphone addiction in children during the pandemic. This study uses literature studies with varying results, including physical disorders such as visual disturbances, tired eyes, neck and neck tension, heavy shoulders and even neck and back muscle cramps. There is also a psychological impact, namely that children experience antisocial behavior, some even experience mental disorders.


Smartphone Addiction, Early Childhood

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