Modernization Of Educational Learning Methods Islam In Indonesia

Muhammad Ilham Firdaus, Diva Sri Wahyuni Ahmad, Syarif Hidayat, Vani Azhari


The current era of globalization and modernization is marked by many developments in several sectors including the world of education and learning in recent years which are supported by the sophistication of the system. In Indonesia, the learning system of Islamic religious education is very much dominated by the pesantren system which still adheres to classical or traditional methods of learning. Over time, with the variety of educational institutions in Indonesia such as public schools and Islamic school, the combination of general and religious learning has become integrated. Therefore, the researcher will offer a concrete description of a modernized Islamic religious education learning method that provides effectiveness between religious knowledge and other general sciences while employing approaches that are constantly updated in this work. This study uses a qualitative method and is conducted in a library. This research data is derived from an analyisis of literature and material that has developed and is published in the form of books, journals, articles, and other publications, both manually and digitally, that raises questions concerning Islamic religious education learning techniques. Essentially, the goal of this research is to determine how advanced Islamic religious education learning methods are in today's world of modernization and globalization.


Modernization, Method, Learning of PAI

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