Covid-19: Self-Introspection Through Interpretation Of Plagues In Al-Quran And Al-Sunnah

Robiatul Adawiyah Mohd, Norzulaili Mohd Ghazali, Mohamad Faisal bin Mohd Noh


The recent COVID-19 has left a deep impact on human life. COVID-19 is the cause of economic turmoil, job loss, increased crime, mental health issues, education system disarray and much more. As such, responding to this experience positively requires proper self-introspection through the guidance of al-Quran and al-Sunnah. Plagues have indeed been recorded in al-Quran and al-Sunnah, where guidelines for dealing with plagues have been explained, which also include its definition, causes and methods of prevention. Such guidelines should be understood by Muslims as one of the methods of self-introspection in order to be more positive and alert in the future. Therefore, this paper will examine the scholars discussions related to plagues in al-Quran and al-Sunnah. The results of the study reveal that the guidance and instructions of al-Quran and al-Sunnah regarding plagues can help the process of self-introspection to make an individual more positive and vigilant as well as prioritising the Sharia in every action. In addition, al-Quran and al-Sunnah also prioritize self-introspection from the spiritual aspect in addition to individual health and physical care. This can indirectly raise awareness among the community to avoid matters that are forbidden by Allah SWT where the impact will greatly affected the natural ecosystem.


COVID-19, introspection, tafsir, plagues, pandemic, al-Quran.

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