Publication Ethis

EduTech: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial follows the guidelines set by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) in all matters relating to the ethics of publication. EduTech: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial adapts the COPE to meet ethical standards aimed at editors, writers and reviewers. The publisher does not have the right to interfere with the integrity of the post content and is only responsible for publishing regularly and on time.

For editor
1. The editor must ensure that the author follows the rules / writing rules in EduTech: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial.
2. Editors can communicate with Editor Managers, Editors and Other Reviewers in making Final Decisions.
3. The editor must provide an objective assessment of the text, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, political affiliation, ethnicity, religion, gender, seniority or affiliation of the author's institution.
4. The editor must reject the assignment when there is a potential conflict of interest.
5. The editor must ensure that the manuscript submitted to the reviewer does not contain information about the author, or vice versa.
6. The editor's decision must be submitted to the author with the best partner response, unless the response is personal or defamatory.
7. The editor must respect the request of the author who refuses someone to evaluate the text provided the reason is acceptable.
8. If the Editor discovers or suspects Abuse. writing and secret writers, editors can follow the guidelines in the COPE flowchart in overcoming authorship conflicts.
9. The editor and all staff must ensure the confidentiality of all texts received.

For reviewers
1. Reviewers are asked to provide an assessment of the substance of the text in accordance with the Focus and Scope of the Journal and provide recommendations to the editor to publish.
2. Reviewers are asked to comment on the manuscript, if they are suspected of finding errors in the procedures for writing, publication, and publishing ethics.
3. Bestari Partners can complete the work at a specified time and provide information to the Editor if it cannot meet the specified time limit.
4. Bestari Partners must be the confidentiality of the author's manuscript.
5. The reviewer cannot accept the manuscript for assessment, if there is a potential conflict of interest both individually and collaboratively with any Institution.
6. The reviewer must require the Editor's consideration of the similarity of substance or overlap between the text being considered or other published manuscripts that have similarities with other Writers or Writers.
7. Specific information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

For writers
1. The author must ensure that the manuscript is authentic and not involved in Plagiarism or Plagiarism Autagi and Independent Plagiarism.
2. The author must be able to ensure that the text has never been published before and also does not transfer the rights to the article to other parties.
3. The author ensures that the submitted tickets are homemade and follow the standard quote rules according to the appropriate Reference Format.
4. Authors must follow the EduTech procedure: Journal of Education and Social Sciences that has been established.
5. The author does not send the manuscript / manuscript together with the same topic and title to another journal.
6. The author must be able to provide information and make detailed data related to research, if the editor finds suspicion of doubt or falsification or plagiarism in the text.
7. If the author finds errors or inaccuracies that affect the text that has been submitted, the author must immediately notify the Editor to immediately withdraw the paper and correct the text.
8. Authors are not permitted to withdraw articles reviewed by reviewers before being returned by reviewers to the Editor.