Feedrix Anberto Panjaitan, Arie Rafika, Nurjamiyah Nurjamiyah


Information systems and computer technology are developing very rapidly. More and more decision support system applications are used to make it easier to solve problems using applications. The decision making of the best cryptocurrency products is currently still done manually. There is a need for a Decision Support System Application to assist potential investors in determining the best cryptocurrency product. In the Decision Support System Application to determine cryptocurrency virtual currency products, there are five criteria, namely Criteria, Adoption, Production Costs, Regulations, and Related News. The Multifactor Evaluation Process (MFEP) algorithm method can be used in decision support systems. By using the MFEP method, each predetermined criterion is given a weight, then each alternative is evaluated based on these consideration factors. The alternative with the highest value deserves to be determined as the best cryptocurrency. This decision support system application was developed using the waterfall method, namely by analyzing, then calculating the MFEP method algorithm, then designing the system, then implementing it into the system after that a blackbox trial was carried out. From this research, the results of the best crypto product, namely Bitcoin, have a total evaluation weight of 4.25 using a web-based MFEP method of decision support application. This application has helped potential investors before entering the crypto market in receiving information and making decisions in determining the best cryptocurrency product. It is hoped that this application can minimize the occurrence of errors in determining the best cryptocurrency virtual currency.

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