Utilization Of The Moora Method In Determining The Best Quality Of Woven Fabric At Rehani Ulos Shop
Rehani Ulos is one of the shops that sell ulus cloth which is located in the Medan City area. If you want to use the sing system, the Rehani Ulos shop is filled with manual and semi-computerized family members and the process of selecting the best quality kanthi ulos cloth, you must choose the best quality kanthi siji every time you can do the sing cloth. As a result, Asring runs out of time in choosing Ulos cloth, which wae sing is of good quality and suitable for kanggo to be sold by consumers. Departing from the example above, the author tries to build a decision support system application. Decision support system is an information system that provides information, modeling, and manipulating data. The method applied is the Multi Objective Optimization by Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method. This relatively new sing method, kaping pisanan, was used by using the Brauers ing sawijining method for taking multi-criteria kanthi. This Panliten can build a kanthi decision support system using the Multi Objective Optimization On The Basic Of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method which can help rehabilitate Ulos kanggo nemtokake, which one is the best.
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