Decision making has an important influence on the progress or progress of an organization. The right decisions will make changes in the organization for the better, while the wrong decisions will have a bad impact on the organization and its governance. In the Information Systems study program, Universitas Harapan Medan there are 3 areas of specialization, namely: System Analysis, Information Management and Intelligent Information Systems. The system of specialization for students of the Information Systems study program at Universitas Harapan Medan is carried out by using a google form as a medium to collect answers from students who will take the field of specialization. This of course is considered less efficient, because to answer these questions students can find them through search engines such as google. So that some of the obstacles that may occur are the number of interests that are not in accordance with students, and errors in determining student specialization will also affect the quality of graduates. For this reason, an application of the right student specialization decision support system is needed to assist in the selection of specializations according to their abilities and interests. This decision support system application will be based on a website and built using the laravel framework. The method that will be used is the Weighted Product (WP) method with the value of the course as an assessment
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