SMART BENGKEL BERBASIS WEBSITE (Studi Kasus : PT.Isuindomas Putra)
The use of SMART in telecommunications has triggered the emergence of web-based service technology. A service that provides car service activities that can be accessed through a mobile network. Putra is one of the business enterprises in the automotive field such as service and spare parts, at this workshop still uses manual system in the processing of data, transactions and handles. Therefore, it is necessary to build a computerized system that will help to reduce processes that are still done manually. In this study, an application was created to provide car workshop services based on a website in which there is customer data management, no.antrian, can see the car service process, enter the stock of spaarepart goods. The research method uses observations and interviews in person at the P.T. Material and materials are notes, spare part list reports and service jada.The results of the research consisted of a service booking system, no online entries, viewing the vehicle service process, payment invoice processed with visual studio code and testing performed using a database testing according to the requirement.
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