The lotus medical center clinic located in Medan is engaged in the service sector, namely the medical field. The clinic was built with the aim of support government programs in the health sector. Currently Handling The patient's medical record is still manual, namely the doctor takes notes by hand every result of examining the patient's medical record data in the status folder to the record it becomes one map. When the doctor wants to see the progress of the patient previously had to look for patient history one by one in that one folder and deliver to the patient to take a long time. Other problems encountered is vulnerable to loss of medical record data reports causednegligence of officers in storing or damaging when needed. Her loss Patient medical records make it difficult for doctors to determine medical action. With the information system built can help the clinic in the service process health (patient administration, pharmacy and medical records) and reports. System This information is built on a Web-based basis using a Model View Controller and SDLC system development method.
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