The Design of an Installation Payment Decision Support System for the prospective Home Credit Customers Using the Multi-Attributive Border Approximation Area Comparison Method

Nanda Salsabila, Hasdiana Hasdiana, Dedy Irwan


The rapid development of online payments in Indonesia can also be seen from the expansion of online financing platforms. One of the current installation payment provider applications is Home Credit Indonesia (HCI). In carrying out its business activities, HCI offers multipurpose financing for unsecured cash installments through an online application. In the selection process, the feasibility of prospective customers is the key to success in providing loans by HCI. The purpose of this study is how to build a system that can select and provide recommendations on the feasibility of prospective consumer applications using 5 (five) criteria, namely: age; profession; income; dependents; credit limit. This study applies the Mabac method which can support multi-criteria decision-support and is considered one of the reliable methods in rational decision-support. The results of this study are very helpful to speed up data processing in decision-support in determining the selection of Home Credit Consumers.

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