This study aims to analyze the influence of intrinsic halal awareness on attitudes toward Islamic branding as a moderation variable. The exogenous variables are intrinsic halal awareness and Islamic branding while attitudes as endogenous variables. The study population was a Muslim community with a total sample of 161 with purpose sampling techniques, namely the study sample was those over the age of 20. The analyzer uses SEM PLS.4. Based on the measurement model, a loading factor value of > 0.7, an AVE value of > 0.5, and a composite reliability value of > 0.7 so that all research indicators were able to contribute strongly to latent variables. Based on the structural model analysis, was obtained of the hypothesis test where Islamic branding has a positive and significant influence on attitudes, intrinsic halal awareness has a positive and significant effect on Islamic branding and intrinsic halal awareness has a positive and significant effect on attitudes. From the test of the influence of moderation, it was found that Islamic branding acts as a partial mediation, meaning that the existence or absence of Islamic branding does not affect the influence of intrinsic halal awareness on the attitude of the Muslim community towards halal food.
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