Tomy Puji Setiawan, Lailan Safina Hasibuan


This topic was raised based on various problems that have occurred, especially in Indonesia's tourism economic sector since the implementation of the visa-free policy for visiting 169 countries. As well as how much influence the visa-free visit policy has on the development of the tourism economic sector in Indonesia. The main objective of this research is to carry out a descriptive economic analysis of the development of the flow of foreign tourists and the economic sectors that support tourism and a comparative analysis using different test techniques to see the flow of foreign tourists and the economic sectors that support Indonesian tourism before and after the implementation of the Visa-Free Visit policy BVK). The data used in this research is panel data. Where the data collected is data on the number of foreign tourists and the economic sector that supports tourism in Indonesia for 6 years, starting from 2012 to 2017. Based on the results of comparative tests with different test techniques using SPSS 16 software, the results show that the BVK policy has a significant effect on the number of foreign tourists with a Sig value of 0.050, and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) with a Sig value of 0.018. Whereas the average length of stay of foreign guests with a Sig value of 0.423, foreign exchange earnings from the tourism sector with a Sig value of 0.077, restaurant growth with a Sig value of 0.863, and the number of accommodations with a Sig value of 0.194 have no significant effect.

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