Kendala Pengembangan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDEs) Di Sumatera Utara (Studi Literatur)

Agus Salim Harahap


This paper aims to identify obstacles and drivers for the development of BUMDEs in terms of research literature. Apart from that, this also offers solutions to improve the performance of BUMDes. This article is methodologically based on conducting a review of literature and experience regarding BUMDEs. Taking into account current research on 20 articles published in the last issue. The author's findings show that there are 13 factors that constrain the development of BUMDEs, namely: management aspects (leadership, culture and commitment), human resource management, knowledge, business management, educational background, control by the village head's extended family, transparency, cooperation, communication and organizational behavior. Meanwhile, the drivers of BUMDes development are: community social capital, innovation, community participation, education, experience, honesty (ethical behavior), responsibility, sincerity, seriousness and persistence, teamwork, transparency, communication, being religious, job satisfaction, commitment, visionary style and leadership style. This paper suggests that to encourage the development and performance of BUMDes in the future, comprehensive comprehensive management is needed so that it is more focused and serious.

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