Misnahwati Misnahwati


The aim of this research is to find out the role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in minimizing bullying among students at SMP Negeri 2 Perbaungan. The method in this research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. Data comes from the Principal, Deputy Principal for Student Affairs, and Islamic Religious Education teachers. The data analysis technique used in this research is the interactive analysis technique from Miles and Hubermas which consists of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that PAI teachers teach morals material that there needs to be an explanation of knowledge and morals, which are two things that cannot be separated, because knowledge without morals means there is no balance and can even be fatal or damaged. The role of the Islamic Religious Education teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Perbaungan in dealing with bullying consists of four roles, namely the role of the Islamic Religious Education teacher as an educator, the role of the Islamic Religious Education teacher as an advisor, the role of the Islamic Religious Education teacher as a role model, the role of the Islamic Religious Education teacher as a guide.

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