Annisa Maharani, Novita Sari, Wan Syakillah Alvina Kusuma Anwar, Isra Hayati


This research aims to determine the influence of lifestyle and interest in using shoppe paylater on student behavior. This study uses a quantitative approach. The sample used was forty-five people representing the entire population. This data was collected using a questionnaire distributed using the Quota sampling technique. Data analysis techniques with a quantitative approach. In analyzing the research data, multiple regression analysis was used with the steps of several data quality tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression tests and hypothesis tests. By using the SPSS statistical application tool as data processing. Based on results testing in a way Partial style life No there is influence so that the value obtained tcount of 0.572 then can be known that t count < t table namely 0.572 < 1.681. And have  number significant equal to 0.570 > 0.05, then can concluded that Ho1 accepted and Ha1 rejected , in fact style life No there is influence on use spaylater to behavior student . On results study next  can is known that t count > ttable  namely 2.975 > 1.681 which has number significant equal to 0.005 < 0.05, then you can concluded that H02  rejected and Ha2 accepted matter This show that there is significant influence  between interest to use spaylater on behavior student study program management sharia business . So you can find out that's it F value count on getting it amounting to 12,262 which is more big of 1,681 (12,262 > 1,681) whereas mark significant results obtained of more than 0.000 small of 0.05, namely (0.000 < 0.05) meaning that Ho  rejected and Ha  accepted matter This there is influence style life and interests to use service shopee paylatter to behavior students and the determinants obtained  influence style life and interests to behavior student in use spaylater amounted to 36.9% while the rest 63.1 % is influenced by variables other . Student need realize that's it there is influence big Because exists style life and interests in use spaylater.

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