Putri Ghoida' Habibillah


This field-based qualitative study is intended to analyse the interpretation done by @tadabburquranid through quotes. This is crucial because the meaning produced tends to be narrow, receiving high attention from netizens. To explain this issue, this study will be conducted by referring to three main questions. First, how is the simplification of meaning in @tadabburquranid account through quotes? Second, what factors cause simplification of meaning in the @tadabburquranid account? Third, what is the effect of the interpretation done by @tadabburquranid? These three questions will be answered using content analysis with primary sources in the form of memes related to Al-Quran verses in @tadabburquranid uploads. Secondary sources such as netizen comments, hashtags, and others are also added as support. Specifically, the issue of simplification will be analysed using the theory initiated by Lester Asheim. As a result, the simplification of the Quranic meaning through quotes is influenced by netizens' preferences for quotes that are cultivated in social media. In addition, it must be realised that memes do have a narrow space so that simplification can occur. However, @tadabburquranid's uploads are still favoured by netizens so that a power relation pattern is formed between these two.


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