Arenibi Maruhawa, Syahril Rambe, Juriadi Juriadi


This study explores the concept of punishment in the perspective of Prophetic Hadith in Islam. By analyzing and interpreting various traditions related to punishment, the study aims to uncover the Islamic understanding of the concept of punishment as an integral part of the justice system. The paper includes an exploration of the ethical values and objectives of punishment in the context of the teachings of the Prophetic Hadith, as well as its relevance in contemporary society. Through a critical approach, the study also evaluates the interpretation and application of punishment in the Prophetic Hadith, contributing to a better understanding of the role of punishment in shaping the behavior and morals of Muslims. The implications of this study are expected to provide a more comprehensive view of how the teachings of the Prophetic Hadith guide the concept of punishment in the Islamic tradition.

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