Sri Sudiarti, Wahyu Syarvina


This research aims to determine the role of Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) which is active in the Islamic economy. The existence of BMT is also a form of economic business support that is able to encourage activities to connect and facilitate financing for small communities with a profitsharing system between parties. The method used in this research is literature study. The conclusion of this research is that in Islam all aspects of people's lives are not only related to how to conduct an economy in accordance with sharia but also in carrying out social life, for example in society and neighbors. Another problem that often arises in everyday life in society is the existence of loan sharks or loan sharks. This is because people have no other choice in meeting their needs, the only way for people to cover their urgent needs is to borrow money from loan sharks. It is very easy for loan sharks to provide loans to the public, without having to require certain requirements. Therefore, the presence of Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil can play an active role in improving this situation.

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