Muhammad Hidayat, Hizami Sabil, Fadhil Asami Toat


Student Books are designed to facilitate students in gaining meaningful learning experiences. This research is development research. The product developed in this research is a Student Book so that it meets the criteria for validity, practicality and effectiveness. The Student Book was developed using Thiagarajan's 4-D development model. which includes four stages, namely definition, design, development and distribution. The results of this research show the practicality of the Student Book in terms of 1) The response of the expert or validator team which states that the Student Book can be used with minor revisions 2) The implementation of the Student Book is at the high IO = 4.35 criteria. The average validity of student books is 4.28, in the valid category. Effectiveness is viewed from 1) Classical completeness 2) The teacher's ability to manage learning 3) Achievement of the ideal percentage of student activity time. 4) Response of students who get good results.

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