Dewi Kesuma Nasution


This research paper aims to investigate the implementation of Culturally Responsive Teaching approach by using Kahoot in Teaching English: in a translation class. A total of 37 undergraduate students with different cultural backgrounds were involved in the study. The research employs qualitative data collection technique. Qualitative technique involved questionnaires administered to students. The questionnaires revealed three aspects of Kahoot contribution to translation class: 1. Kahoot’s contribution to students’ learning motivation, 2. theeffectiveness of Kahootintranslation class, 3. the contribution of Kahoot on students’ translation ability. The findings revealed that students report increased levels of enthusiasm in translation class, indicating a potential shift towards a more culturally responsive translation class. Secondly, the majority of students also reported that the usage of Kahoot is engaging and should be carried out regularly as a class evaluation. Thirdly, the majority of students think that Kahoot could help them better analyze the aspects of translation errors.

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