Muhammad Yusuf


The aim of this research is to determine the competency of school principals using the STIFIn method. The main key to the success of a school is in carrying out its functions and expectations as a school leader and school manager. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the type of experimental research. Research data was obtained through observation, previous journals and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis. The hypothesis of this research is to determine the competence of school principals through the STIFIn method. The various leadership models that are widely used in various educational organizations, including schools, are choices that may or may not be appropriate to the culture of the organization. The application of a leadership model is very dependent on the conditions of the object where the model is applied. The changing dynamics of the world of education require the development of existing leadership competencies. The STIFIn method is an approach to the concept of machine intelligence and a person's genetic personality. School principals can develop leadership competencies based on the STIFIn method, especially in interaction and communication with teachers and education staff in order to achieve good achievement and performance. The final results of achieving good achievement and performance are felt directly by individuals in the school and school organizations as school culture.

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