Munawir Pasaribu


Adolescents are children who develop from childhood to adulthood. There are many problems that adolescents face today, such as emotional problems in the form of fights, brawls, and there are also problems of association between men and women. The process of adolescent development if not supported by good parenting and good mentality in these adolescents will cause a leadership crisis in the future because there will be a generation with weak mental quality. Therefore, there is a need for a mental revolution for these teenagers. In this study will look for mental problems of adolescents who are not good and also good mental adolescents then will be connected with Islamic psychology. This research seeks to reveal what is good mentality and bad mentality in the study of Islamic psychology and find solutions to make a revolution. The research uses a literature study methodology in which researchers will look for appropriate literature related to the mental revolution of adolescents which will be studied in terms of Islamic Psychology.

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