Elizar Sinambela, Maya Sari, Dewi Permata Sari


The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the effect of perceived convenience on customer satisfaction using e-money service products at PT. Bank Sumut KC Syariah Medan, To determine and analyze the effect of perceived trust on customer satisfaction using e-money service products at PT. Bank Sumut KC Syariah Medan, to find out and analyze the effect of risk perception on customer satisfaction using e-money service products at PT. Bank Sumut KC Syariah Medan, To find out and analyze the joint influence between perceptions of convenience, perception of trust and perception of risk on customer satisfaction using e-money service products at PT. Bank of North Sumatra KC Syariah Medan. The research method of this thesis is a type of quantitative research, with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires, data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires distributed to 131 respondents. In analyzing the data, the researcher used multiple regression data analysis with steps in the form of descriptive tests, validity tests, reliability tests, model fit tests, multiple regression tests, classical assumption tests, and hypothesis testing. The results of the t-test show that the perceived convenience, trust and risk variables have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction using e-money. While the results of the f test, the effect of perceived convenience, trust, and risk has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction using E-Money (Y) in Sharia Bank.

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