Lastrina Siagian, Asrizal Efendy Nasution


The research conducted analyzed the effect of integrity on employee performance, the effect of synergy on employee performance and to determine the effect of organizational commitment on employee performance at the National Narcotics Agency of North Sumatra Province. The population in this study were all employees of the National Narcotics Agency of North Sumatra Province, totaling 142 people. Sampling used a random sampling technique and to determine the number of samples used the Slovin formula so that a total sample of 59 employees was obtained. Data collection techniques used in this study were questionnaires (questionnaires), interviews and documentation. The analysis technique used in this research is SmartPLS (Partial Least Square) starting from model measurement (outer model), model structure (inner model) and hypothesis testing. The results showed that integrity affects employee performance, synergy affects employee performance and organizational commitment affects employee performance at the National Narcotics Agency of North Sumatra Province

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