Mavianti Mavianti


The existence of the agricultural sector is one of the key sectors in the global economy which continues to develop. In the context of an Islamic society, the agricultural approach does not only include technical and economic aspects, but also pays attention to religious values and environmental sustainability. This paper describes the integration of science and technology (IPTEK) in the context of Islamic agriculture as a solution to increase productivity, sustainability and realize religious values in agricultural practices. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative research method, namely research that attempts to show the results of qualitative data collection. In this article, an understanding of the Islamic perspective on agriculture is presented, which emphasizes the concept of human connection with nature and social responsibility to care for the environment. Furthermore, discussions related to science and technology, including digital technology, biotechnology, and natural resource management, can be applied in the context of Islamic agriculture. This approach not only increases productivity and production efficiency, but also ensures long-term sustainability through environmentally friendly practices. Apart from that, it is also important to pay attention to religious values in every aspect of agricultural activities, including ethics, justice and blessings. The integration of religious values in agricultural technology and practices can have a positive impact not only in terms of crop yields, but also in strengthening the social and spiritual welfare of agricultural communities. The aim is that this paper contributes to an understanding of the importance of integrating science and technology with religious values in the context of Islamic agriculture.

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