Maya Macia Sari, Noni Ardian, Uswatun Hasanah, Halimatun Sa'diah


The use of information technology in MSME financial management has become a must in today's digital era. Information technology can help MSMEs in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their financial management. This study aims to analyze the use of information technology in the financial management of MSMEs in Kwala Serapuh Village, Langkat. This research uses a survey method with 100 respondents, namely MSME actors in Kwala Serapuh Village. The results showed that the use of information technology in the financial management of MSMEs in Kwala Serapuh Village is still not optimal. This is caused by several factors, namely: 1) Lack of knowledge and skills of MSME actors in utilizing information technology, 2) Costs that are still relatively high and 3) Lack of support from the government and related parties. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that the government and related parties can provide support to MSMEs in utilizing information technology in their financial management. Such support can be in the form of training, financial assistance, and conducive policies.

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