Peran Film Animasi Nussa dan Rara Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Tentang Ajaran Islam Pada Pelajar SD

Airani Demillah


Education is very necessary, in children especially with. islamic education, technology development expected to bring influence positive for children who by presenting entertainment or impressions, educate as animated show entitled islamic, on youtube including nussa. rara and This study aims to to see how the role of animated film nussa rara and channel on youtube in increasing understanding about islamic teachings on a stone, students of elementary schools with the riau with qualitative research. The determination of sample used is purpose of sampling. Based on the research done respondents got teaching or knowledge on the movie. Through his messages, every episode of Nussa and Rara always teaches something about daily habits or activities based on Islamic teachings, this also adds to their knowledge of daily habits or activities carried out according to Islamic teachings.

Keywords: Film, Animation, Youtube, Nussa and Rara


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