Lecturers' Challenges In Implementing Teaching And Learning (PdP) Online During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Rafidah Abdullah, Mohammad Hilmy Baihaqy Yussof, Radziah Abdullah


Brunei imposed strict curbs to halt the spread of Covid-19, leading the government to close many public sectors including the education sector. Thus online teaching and learning (PdP) has become an alternative to physical learning and teaching or lectures as it can help to reduce physical interactions. Among the applications used for online lectures are such as zoom application, google meet, miscrosoft team and others. In this study, the researchers will analyze the challenges faced by two lecturers of the Faculty of Arabic Language who teach Arabic Language Courses (for English language medium programme) at the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA) in implementing PdP online. This is because it was found that there are some difficulties faced, such as the relatively large number of students who do not allow them to interact and deliver lectures effectively, students' difficulties in accessing the internet, difficulties in giving exercises and so on. This study is a descriptive qualitative study that uses a questionnaire through Google Form as a research instrument. The lecturers involved will also be interviewed to obtain information on the topic. This study only focused on two lecturers who conducted an Arabic course, which is a University Required Course (URC). The results of the study can help lecturers identify these challenges and think of ways to address them.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/19852


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