Web-Based Shoes Service Application

Elsa Fauziana, Boni Oktaviana Sembiring, Nurjamiah Nurjamiah


Shoes are one type of footwear that serves to protect the entire foot. Shoes are a type of footwear that usually consists of parts of the sole, heel, hood, laces, and tongue. Shoes for some people are not an ordinary item, as a favorite. There needs to be special treatment to make shoes look clean, beautiful, and well-maintained. In fact, not everyone is able to take care of their own shoes, this is due to skill and time. Then people choose to submit their shoes to experts or shoe care services, so we need an application that can help in the process of these problems. The method used in making this system is the waterfall method, where the stages of the method consist of analysis, design, testing and maintenance. The application that was built has several facilities, namely ordering shoe service, shoe pick-up and delivery services, transaction services, customer service so that customers can check whether shoe services have been serviced or not, and also transaction report services. The design for this shoe service application uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) while for system testing using the black box method The black box test results show that the system is running according to its functionality. With this application, it can make it easier for customers to order shoe serviceservices online and help increase revenue for shoe serviceservices.


Application, service, Waterfall, UML

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30596/jcositte.v3i1.9348


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