Henny Zurika Lubis


This study aims to improve students' activity and learning outcomes through the
application of thinking, write, and talk learning models as an effort to improve the
quality of learning in entrepreneurship courses. The research method used is
classroom action research procedure, with data collection techniques in this study
include tests, documentation and further observations of data analysis techniques
used in this study in the form of descriptive analysis and qualitative analysis.
Based on the results of observational data analysis that the activity of students in the
first cycle is still low, and in cycle II, students are already active it is seen an
increase in student activity in cycle II of 67% and it will be related to student
learning outcomes, A complete cycle I only 40% in cycle II of 63.33% means that the
increase in learning outcomes in cycle II compared to the cycle I that the learning
outcomes of entrepreneurship cycle II turned out better results, so it can be
concluded that entrepreneurial learning by applying the model of learning Think,
write, and talk classroom can improve student learning outcomes.


Think, Write, and Talk Learning Model, Entrepreneurship, Learning Outcomes,

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