Shahrul Rahman


Background: Cardiovascular disease is the highest cause of death in most developing countries.The

increased cholesterol is the main cause of coronary heart disease and fatty liver disease which increases

the load / burden of both diseases. One of the alternative that can decrease the cholesterol levels in long term blood plasma is

using the natural ingredients such as guava fruitwhich is known to contained ?avonoid as antioxidant that can inhibit LDL

oxidation so that the levels of LDL can be decreased and atherosclerosis can be prevented as well.

Method: The type of research used in this study was experimental research using a pre-test and post-test design without a

control group, then the study subjects were given 250 ml of red guava fruit juice for 14 days.

Results: The results of the study were obtained an average value before treatment (pre test) total cholesterol 204.36 mg / dl, LDL

129.08 mg / dl, HDL 58.16 and triglyceride 84.52 and the average value after treatment (post test) total cholesterol 149.88 mg / dl,

LDL 82.92 mg / dl, HDL 44.2 mg / dl and triglycerides 104.28.

Conclusion: Giving red guava juice can reduce total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and increase triglyceride levels


LDL cholesterol, Psidium guajava, Guava.

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