Effect of Tourism Sector on Poverty in Central Java Province: Application of The Chain Rule

Eka Marcella, Muhammad Anas


As a developing country, Indonesia is not immune to poverty. Central Java is one of the provinces in Indonesia with the highest rate of poverty. One sector that has the potential to reduce poverty is tourism, through raising national income, creating jobs, and earning foreign exchange. The purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of the number of hotels and tourists on tourism GRDP, as well as the impact of tourism GRDP on poverty in 35 regencies/cities in Central Java between 2015 and 2020 using a panel data regression model with the Fixed Effects Model (FEM) approach and the chain rule method in differentials. The results showed that the number of hotels and tourists positively affected tourism GRDP, and tourism GRDP negatively affected poverty. Therefore, mathematically, the number of hotels and tourists had a negative effect on poverty, and the chain rule principle is proven in this study. To alleviate poverty, the government is expected to help boost the potential of each region with the goal of absorbing more investors in order to increase employment and income.


Poverty, panel data, Fixed Effects Model, chain rule, number of hotels, number of tourists, tourism sector PDRB.

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