Improving Teachers' Ability To Apply Cooperative Scrip Learning Methods Through The Supervision Of School Principals
School Action Research aims to develop the ability of teachers in applying the Cooperative Script learning method. The research subjects were teachers who served at SDN 071054 Biouti with 9 respondents. The research was conducted in two cycles with observation research instruments, ability evaluation at the end of the cycle and interviews. The results showed that the Cooperative Script learning method can be understood by the teacher and needs to be used in learning, this can be seen through the results of the processed data as follows, the initial ability of the teachers to master the Cooperative Script learning method is 58.14 with an overall mastery level of 33.33%. After the Principal Supervision took place through methoding (simulator) in the first cycle, teacher mastery became 62.59 (50%) participants had changed abilities, meaning 5 people were good, 4 people were lacking. Then in the second cycle there was repetition of Supervision from the Principal with the same context in the second cycle but corrected the error in the first cycle so that the change in the teacher's ability value increased by 70.74 or 77.77% of the participants had achieved success. The remaining 2 participants who are not good will be handled further by the Principal
Application of Cooperative Script learning method, Teacher's Ability
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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School
Department of Elementary School Teacher Educational, University of Muhammadiya Sumatera UtaraKampus 1 FKIP UMSU
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