Analysis Of Student Responses To Science Learning Class VI At SD Bina Satria Mulia

Riska Damayanty, Zaliyanti Dila Putri


This research aims to determine the implementation and response of students and teachers after learning science in grade VI of SD Bina Satria. This research was conducted using a questionnaire instrument. The number of respondents obtained was 25 people. Science learning according to the 2013 Curriculum, emphasizes that students are encouraged to learn through active involvement with skills, concepts, and principles. Learners gain experience by doing activities that allow them to discover concepts and principles for themselves. Optimal learning outcomes can be achieved by several factors, namely internal, external factors and learning approaches. Internal factors (factors from within students), namely the physical or spiritual condition/condition of the student, while external factors (external factors), namely the conditions of the student's surrounding environment and the learning approach factor (approach to learning), namely the type of student learning effort which includes the strategies and methods used by students to carry out learning material learning activities, from these factors that are strongly influenced by the teacher are the learning approach factor,  A teacher must determine how the approach must be taken when teaching, this is proven in learning activities, one of the perpetrators is the teacher, the teacher's behavior is teaching, the teaching behavior is related to the use of learning approaches and models that activate students


Response, student, IPA, elementary school

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

Department of Elementary School Teacher Educational, University of Muhammadiya Sumatera Utara
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