Development Of Peseta Didik Worksheet (LKPD) In The Form Of Leafleat With A Group Investigation Model In Science Subjects In Class V YPI Nur Fadhillah
This research aims to develop a product in the form of Student Worksheets (LKPD) in the form of leaflets for science subjects in class V YPI Nur Fadhillah. LKPD is adjusted and arranged according to the steps in the grouap investigation learning model in the form of a leaflet which contains identification of topics in the form of material summaries, investigations in the form of questions and practicum on heat material and changes in the shape of objects. LKPD development is carried out using the R&D (Reserch & Development) research method, the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. However, researchers limit the Evaluation stage (evaluation). This is due to limited time, effort and cost. The results of the feasibility of the leafet form LKPD obtained were very good overall. Material expert validation assessment is 95% with a very valid category. The results of the design expert validation assessment were 92% with a very valid category. And the results of the linguist validation assessment are 90% with a very valid category. The results of the practicality assessment by the teacher were 98.67% with very practical criteria and the results of the practicality assessment by students were 92% in the very practical category, so that LKPD was suitable for use in Elementary Schools (SD).
LKPD IPA in the form of leaflets, Group investigation, Students
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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School
Department of Elementary School Teacher Educational, University of Muhammadiya Sumatera UtaraKampus 1 FKIP UMSU
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