Development Of Interactive Linktree-Based Animated Video Learning Media On Theme 3 Subtheme 2 Diversity Of Living Things Class IV SDN 106158 Pematang Johar

Novita Anggraini, Fahrur Rozi


The problem researched in this study is the lack of interest in learning and causes low student learning outcomes because teachers only use picture media with conventional teaching in grade IV of SDN 106158 Pematang Johar. The purpose of this study is to produce interactive linktree-based animated video learning media on theme 3 subtheme 2 learning 3 that is feasible, practical, and effective to use. This type of research uses a 4D model that has 4 stages (Define, Design, Development, Dessiminate). The subjects of this study are Grade IV students of SDN 106158 Pematang Johar which totals 30 people. Data collection techniques use interview, questionnaire, test, and documentation techniques. The data obtained were then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results of the research on the development of interactive linktree-based animation video media theme 3 subtheme 2 learning 3, showed that the results of material validation by material expert validators and media validation by media experts obtained a feasibility percentage result of 90% in the "Very Feasible" category. The practicality test by education practitioners obtained a percentage result of 93.3% in the "Very Practical" category. Based on the results of the media effectiveness test, it can be seen that after using the developed media, the average score of students increased from the average start before using media, namely 51.7% of the "Poor" category with the "Incomplete" completeness criterion increased to 90% of the "Very Good" category with the completeness criterion of "Complete", and the results of the students' responses obtained a qualification result of 4.2 in the assessment qualification were categorized as getting a "Good" response to the developed media product. It can be concluded that the interactive linktree-based animation video media developed by the researcher is feasible, practical and effective to be used in Theme 3 Caring for Living Beings Subtheme 2 Diversity of Living Creatures in the Surrounding Learning Environment 3 grade IV SDN 106158 Pematang Johar.


Animation Video Media, Interactive Linktree, Theme 3 Subtheme 2 Diversity of Living Beings

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