The Effect Of Inquiry Learning Model On Science Learning On The Learning Outcomes Of Grade V Students At At-Taufiq Elementary School

Maylisa Nisa Afriska, Riska Damayanti, Dea ramanda, Nadia Humaira


One part of learning at school is science learning. Science learning is something based on natural phenomena, where natural phenomena will become knowledge if it begins with a scientific attitude and uses scientific methods. From the activities of the scientific method, a science or knowledge that can be applied to mankind will be obtained. The learning outcome that must also be developed in science learning is the attitude of students. The learning that occurs in the classroom teachers only provide students with material by the lecture method so that many students do not pay attention and feel bored, as well as the provision of individual assignments. This is because the guided inquiry learning model in the science learning process can provide opportunities for students to actively participate in the learning process


Inquiry method, science, elementary school, learning outcome

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

Department of Elementary School Teacher Educational, University of Muhammadiya Sumatera Utara
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