Character Education In Building Religious Moderation In The Millennial Generation

Putri Humairoh, Chairunnisa Amelia


Understanding extremism and radicalism has penetrated the world of education; Public Higher Education students are more vulnerable to radical movements due to a perspective that tends to see religious issues in black and white. Therefore, Islamic Religious Education which teaches students as an introductory course becomes an opportunity to form students' religious moderation attitudes as the next generation. The purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the efforts of Islamic Religious Education courses in instilling the values of religious moderation and building moderation attitudes for students. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that the efforts of Islamic Religious Education in building students' religious moderation attitudes through understanding the methodology of Islamic teachings, the substance of the Islamic Religious Education curriculum that leads to moderate character, exemplary and lecturer attitudes, the existence of discussion rooms, BBQ programs, mentoring and coaching student activity units, and evaluation. Building a philosophy of religious moderation is an effort for students to respect religious diversity and build student collective awareness.


religious moderation, Islamic religious education, public universities

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

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