The Effect Of The Role Playing Model On Students' Speaking Skills In Learning Indonesian Language Class Iv State Elementary School 054875 Sei Limbat

Nina Melani


This research was motivated by less skilled students in speaking in terms of expressing opinions ideas that are held orally. This reseach aims 1. To determine speaking skills students before using the Role Playing Model in Indonesian language learning. 2. To find out speaking skills students after using the Role Playing Model in Indonesian language learning. 3. To determine the influence of the Role Playing on speaking skills in language learning indonesia. This research method is a quantitative method. The population consists of all class IV students at SD Negeri 054875 Sei Limbat. Sampling carried out with saturated samples. The instrument used in this research is technical non-tests in the from of performance tests (performance assessment). Hypothesis test using the t test (Paired-Sample T Test), which is preceded by a normality test. The results of this research show student’s prior speaking skills using a low Role Playing Model where only 4 students who met the KKM score and 22 students did not meet the KKM score, with the average value is 64,12. Student’s speaking skills after using the model Role Playing has increased where all students have meet the KKM with an average score of 87,00. Hypothesis test results with Paired-Sample T Test shows that the significance value is 0,000 < 0,05, so you can concluded that there is an influence of the Role Playing Model on student’s speaking skills.


Role Playing Model, Speaking Skills.


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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

Department of Elementary School Teacher Educational, University of Muhammadiya Sumatera Utara
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