Application Of Contextual Teaching Learning Model To Improve Learning Outcomes PKn

Adimin Mendrofa


The low student scores in PKn subjects are caused by the lack of teachers' ability to choose and apply varied learning models. The solution provided by the researcher to overcome this problem is to provide action on the learning process in the form of classroom action research on PKn subjects through the application of the Contextual Teaching Learning learning model in the learning process. The Contextual Teaching Learning learning model is a learning model that can provide opportunities for students to express their own ideas and be real. This research consists of two cycles where each cycle starts from planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The purpose of this study is to describe the improvement of student learning outcomes in PKn subjects through the application of the Contextual Teaching Learning learning model and describe the implementation of the learning process in PKn subjects through the application of the Contextual Teaching Learning learning model. This research was carried out from March to April 2018 in class V-A SDN 071014 Dima with a total of 15 students, 7 boys and 8 girls. The result of the study is that the learning outcomes of students in PKn lessons through the application of the Contextual Teaching Learning learning model have increased, where at the end of the cycle the average student learning outcome is 82 with a completion percentage of 80% and the average reflection result at the end of the cycle reaches 82% classified as good, so that the learning process in PKn subjects is improved through the application of the Contextual Teaching Learning learning model. Thus, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes in PKn lessons are increased through the application of the Contextual Teaching Learning learning model and the learning process in PKn subjects is improved through the application of the Contextual Teaching Learning learning model.


Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning, Hasil belajar

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

Department of Elementary School Teacher Educational, University of Muhammadiya Sumatera Utara
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