Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through The Cooperative Scrip Learning Method In Indonesian Subjects

Amelia Zebua


Indonesian lessons are subjects that can provide important knowledge for students to be able to communicate with the surrounding environment. The low score of students in Indonesian subjects is caused by the lack of teachers' ability to choose and apply various learning methods. The solution provided by the researcher to overcome this problem is to provide action on the learning process in the form of classroom action research through the application of the Cooperative Scrip learning method in the learning process. The Cooperative Scrip Learning Method is a teaching method in which students work in pairs and take turns orally summarizing parts of the material studied. This research consists of two cycles where each cycle starts from planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The purpose of this study is to describe the improvement of student learning outcomes of the Cooperative Scrip Learning Method and describe the implementation of the learning process through the cooperative scrip learning method. This research was carried out from March to April 2019 in class V of SDN 071045 Sisobahili with a total of 19 students, 7 boys and 12 girls. The result of the study is that the learning outcomes of students in Indonesian lessons through the Cooperative Scrip Learning Method increased where at the end of the cycle the average student learning outcome was 80 with a percentage of completeness of 84% and the results of reflection on the implementation of the learning process in Indonesian subjects at the end of the cycle reached 84%. Thus, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes in Indonesian lessons are improved through the Cooperative Scrip Learning Method and the learning process in Indonesian subjects is improved through the Cooperative Scrip Learning Method .


Cooperative Scrip Learning Method, Learning Outcomes

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(EJOES) Educational Journal of Elementary School

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