Agronomic Efficiency of Rice in Increasing Harvest Index (Hi 400) In Intensive Rice of Simalungun Regency North Sumatera Province



This study aimed to analyze the productivity and economic consequences of an increase in the intensity of rice cultivation on irrigated land technical, analyze the sustainability index models optimum rice cultivation intensified with increased cropping intensity on irrigated fields of technical, and develop policy strategies in the implementation of the model optimum rice cultivation intensively on technical irrigation field with integrated crop management (ICM) approach that lower methane emissions on an ongoing basis. This study uses a split plot design. Treatment irrigation system as factors main plot the watering system is disconnected and the system of continuous flow (inundated) and fertilization as a factor sub plot that fertilization treatment is done by recommendations to Permentan No. 40/2007 and fertilizer recommendations based on the laboratory analysis with 8 level fertilization treatment with 3 replications. Analysis of the data quality of soil, water, methane emissions, production and productivity of rice was done by analysis of variance or ANOVA for analysis and production, productivity and methane emissions test followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Agronomic efficiency (AE) of each nutrient in season I showed the highest N AE obtained in A2B3 treatment (intermittent and fertilization to Permentan No.40 (100% dose) + probiotics) 47,4 kg grain/kg N, agronomic efficiency of N, P and K in season II showed the highest AE N (44 kg grain/kg N) obtained in A2B6 treatment, agronomic efficiency in season III shows A2B6 treatment AE N has the highest (60,8 kg grain/kg N), in season IV, and the highest AE N (85,1 kg grain/kg N) obtained at A2B8 treatment (intermittent and fertilization laboratory analysis (40% dose) + probiotics)


productivity and economic consequences of an increase

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